PERSONAL TRAINING & Nutritional Guidance




DAY 4 – Schedule your workouts in advance

We all have busy lives, and sometimes the mornings get too short, and often from “later” will be tomorrow, and then next week, etc. 

And that can be ok sometimes. We do not have to be too hard on ourselves, because no one needs extra pressure in their lives. When life steps in, we can just simply schedule an extra rest day and focus on what goes on our plates. Be smart and pick up right where you left off the next day.

It is not about finding the time within the day, but making the time for our workout.

Schedule time for yourself, just like you schedule meetings for work.

Having a workout schedule provides you with structure. Knowing what you will going to do and when you will do it ensures that you will get it done. 

Creating a workout schedule for the week can be the key to your success.

Here is my sample workout plan for a balanced week of strength, cardio and flexibility training. 


  • You are more committed
  • Scheduled workouts will more likely become your routine
  • You can track your progress
  • Success in your workouts will lead to a successful life

BONUS: Click here to download the workout schedule template


DAY 3 – Go for a walk in the morning or at lunchtime

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